Japanese Television don't surf, but if they did, it would be on a swirling wave of reverb-drenched organ, garage-rock guitars, hypno-motorik bass and pounding, ritualistic drums. The band formed in 2018 through a shared love of fuzz boxes, Joe Meek and UFOs and together they invented "Space Surf."
Upon discovering it already existed, they reinvented it.
Taking the primal stomp of early garage bands and the wild, sonic wheeling of later psych oddballs, Japanese Television mix in strange, rare instruments and homemade effects pedals to create something as alluring as it is unique.
EP III kicks off with the otherworldly psychedelia of lead single Bee Cage, an expansive, groove-laden astral treat that encapsulates the bands rhythmic jams and dramatically sets the tone for the full release. Follow-up's Martian Soup and Falling Spikes lean into their more slacker, laid-back noise-outs but at no point do they relent. Hot Sauce, an immersive live favourite, revels in its own delirium before closer Moon Glider sees us off with intoxicating headiness.